Many people like to refer to this as 'the Yuuji route', as none of the main heroines of Grisaia really make an appearance in this route other than Kazuki. in the past and is told by Yuuji himself as one long flashback to his and Kazuki's childhood and history.
And as it turns out, that was actually all that was needed because what we have here is actually a perfectly legitimate and very well made adaptation of Grisaia no Meikyuu. Personally I don't think there was any reason to have faith in 8bit at this point, but the sequels come with the one advantage of being extremely short in comparison and thus being almost impossible to rush. After the absolute disaster that was Studio 8bit's adaptation of Grisaia no Kajitsu, I'm sure the question on everybody's mind was whether or not the sequels would face the same treatment as well.